This is an English version of the original French text translated with the help of "Google translator", so there may be mistakes. We apologise.
Source of many questions and almost total mystery of science, the universe of autistic has caused much ink to flow the past 100 years. The theories and the solutions have come to, sometimes clever, often erroneous, mostly odious. A big blow in this anthill has just been launched! See finally recognized these people for what they are is our research and our credo for years! Finally, why are they sealed in a silence that no one understands? Why are they affected with tics and body language that we do not relate? Everything and the opposite has been said, little has changed, so we take the time to bring a new runway here. The riddle of autism probably rely in the future on the following wording: people with autism are simply gifted (1) outstanding. Beyond a certain level, the gap between them and "normal" people becomes so unbearable and too difficult to manage internally, they finally will focus in silence, the only refuge for no longer be in direct confrontation with the other . They have an intelligence that transcends us for the most part as it is linked to a crime, a sensitivity tenfold. The more sensitive the gap grows with his entourage, the person known as autistic (it is a term which will also form part of the past) will be driven in silence and in a world that the outside-it deems abnormal obviously wrongly that most sees this difference as an Intellectual Disability. On this basis, less communication gaps will be large, the more autistic person will have the opportunity to highlight its emotional intelligence and share it. Cases appear nowadays where autistic child may profound thanks to the renewed contact to close, break this silence to go with confidence to the outside world. The spectrum of autism and pervasive behavior generates up here have all kinds of assumptions seeking too often therapies or cures inappropriate. Researchers who have looked at this important issue so far had not taken into account that autism is not a disease and that there was no possible cure. In view of the evolution of research now from many scientists and relatives of children with autism, it seems that solutions are at once much simpler, but probably more difficult to accept. The revolution must be done is to understand that the solutions should be much less chemically homes and much more focused on the emotional as those applied so far. This approach requires domain autistic obviously, a different understanding and an open mind to its full emotional characteristics. For reasons also understandable to have to manage the guilt of not having seen or understood earlier, the relatives of autism, at the moment, accept little to look in this direction. And they do not always have the emotional tools able to leave their loved ones for this gap seen themselves are not part of this standard douance there. For having experienced personally, it seems to me, after many years of testing, indispensable. In the long term, the talented people of such intelligence will surely evolve the rest of the world if everyone wants to take the courage to embark on this new effort for communication. We do not exercise utopianism thinking that these people have a major role to play in the future of the planet. Their world view is infinitely detailed and honest… The case of Barbara Donville (2) and her child out of autism is exemplary in this respect. E She is not alone. We know others, beginning with our own family, which had a difficult evolution, but who managed to grow up and live less painfully, to exist more in their reality, in communication with the possible failure autism! Some of these beings who, during childhood, to varying degrees, were withdrawn on themselves by typing his head against the wall "to call for help" have managed to turn the corner. Because that after many years of permanent dialogue on the part of relatives to try to monitor how they operate, these children finally felt a little better understood in their difference and were able to assuage their emotional because mutual understanding moved. They were then able to finally grow slowly in the world of neurotypiques. People who had made the effort to understand them are also grown out, gaining ever more self-confidence and can now see the world, too, through other eyes. The key gold autistic spectrum is to accept them as they are, take them to a life of autistic successful and not to a life of non-autiste missed. Accept this sentence is to accept them, with their level of intelligence and increased as the only exit to see them finally blossomed. As a sign of encouragement and conclusion, it must be added that people who have approached these beings if individuals had so much to work on themselves, their ways of looking at a new mode of communication, a new approach to the human and the world, to approach these intellects and whether sensitive, they are grown sorties, aware and able to have a look and an approach to the World resolutely generous and enlightened. (1) the term surdouance is understood to be still here now stigma, and not a superpouvoir worthy to be included in an emission TV sensation. (2) to read: Overcoming autism
Source of many questions and almost total mystery of science, the universe of autistic has caused much ink to flow the past 100 years. The theories and the solutions have come to, sometimes clever, often erroneous, mostly odious. A big blow in this anthill has just been launched! See finally recognized these people for what they are is our research and our credo for years! Finally, why are they sealed in a silence that no one understands? Why are they affected with tics and body language that we do not relate? Everything and the opposite has been said, little has changed, so we take the time to bring a new runway here. The riddle of autism probably rely in the future on the following wording: people with autism are simply gifted (1) outstanding. Beyond a certain level, the gap between them and "normal" people becomes so unbearable and too difficult to manage internally, they finally will focus in silence, the only refuge for no longer be in direct confrontation with the other . They have an intelligence that transcends us for the most part as it is linked to a crime, a sensitivity tenfold. The more sensitive the gap grows with his entourage, the person known as autistic (it is a term which will also form part of the past) will be driven in silence and in a world that the outside-it deems abnormal obviously wrongly that most sees this difference as an Intellectual Disability. On this basis, less communication gaps will be large, the more autistic person will have the opportunity to highlight its emotional intelligence and share it. Cases appear nowadays where autistic child may profound thanks to the renewed contact to close, break this silence to go with confidence to the outside world. The spectrum of autism and pervasive behavior generates up here have all kinds of assumptions seeking too often therapies or cures inappropriate. Researchers who have looked at this important issue so far had not taken into account that autism is not a disease and that there was no possible cure. In view of the evolution of research now from many scientists and relatives of children with autism, it seems that solutions are at once much simpler, but probably more difficult to accept. The revolution must be done is to understand that the solutions should be much less chemically homes and much more focused on the emotional as those applied so far. This approach requires domain autistic obviously, a different understanding and an open mind to its full emotional characteristics. For reasons also understandable to have to manage the guilt of not having seen or understood earlier, the relatives of autism, at the moment, accept little to look in this direction. And they do not always have the emotional tools able to leave their loved ones for this gap seen themselves are not part of this standard douance there. For having experienced personally, it seems to me, after many years of testing, indispensable. In the long term, the talented people of such intelligence will surely evolve the rest of the world if everyone wants to take the courage to embark on this new effort for communication. We do not exercise utopianism thinking that these people have a major role to play in the future of the planet. Their world view is infinitely detailed and honest… The case of Barbara Donville (2) and her child out of autism is exemplary in this respect. E She is not alone. We know others, beginning with our own family, which had a difficult evolution, but who managed to grow up and live less painfully, to exist more in their reality, in communication with the possible failure autism! Some of these beings who, during childhood, to varying degrees, were withdrawn on themselves by typing his head against the wall "to call for help" have managed to turn the corner. Because that after many years of permanent dialogue on the part of relatives to try to monitor how they operate, these children finally felt a little better understood in their difference and were able to assuage their emotional because mutual understanding moved. They were then able to finally grow slowly in the world of neurotypiques. People who had made the effort to understand them are also grown out, gaining ever more self-confidence and can now see the world, too, through other eyes. The key gold autistic spectrum is to accept them as they are, take them to a life of autistic successful and not to a life of non-autiste missed. Accept this sentence is to accept them, with their level of intelligence and increased as the only exit to see them finally blossomed. As a sign of encouragement and conclusion, it must be added that people who have approached these beings if individuals had so much to work on themselves, their ways of looking at a new mode of communication, a new approach to the human and the world, to approach these intellects and whether sensitive, they are grown sorties, aware and able to have a look and an approach to the World resolutely generous and enlightened. (1) the term surdouance is understood to be still here now stigma, and not a superpouvoir worthy to be included in an emission TV sensation. (2) to read: Overcoming autism